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CTVs Audience Grows Alongside Profusion of Channels: Samsung Ads Justin Evans Beet.TV [Video]

Marketing Analytics and Reporting

Millions of households in the past 15 years have connected their televisions directly to the internet to expand the range of programming they can watch on demand. Advertisers have followed, seeking to combine the storytelling power of television with addressability to different audience segments.

“CTV is a combination of internet technology with the television experience, which means that publishers have a lot more flexibility to publish new channels,” Justin Evans, global head of analytics and insights at Samsung Ads, said in this interview with Beet.TV contributor Rob Williams at the recent Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Dentsu.

As the world’s biggest consumer electronics company, Samsung has millions of connected televisions in people’s homes. This network of CTVs gives the company greater insight into people’s media habits.

“Consumers are spending a lot more time on CTV,” Evans said. “On our platform, we see Samsung TV owners are spending about two-thirds of their time in streaming.”

Evans sees further opportunities for marketers to benefit …

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