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Focus on relationships is the key to navigating market downturns [Video]

Marketing Platforms and CRM

As a well-established 3PL in the transportation management and brokerage space, Chicago-based Echo Global Logistics has proved that focusing on customer relationships and strategy is the best way to navigate a freight market downturn.

Zach Jecklin, chief information officer at Echo, has been with the company 17 years and has experienced every part of the market cycle.

“We’re ready for a tailwind,” Jecklin said. “It’s been a long bottom part of the market, for longer than we’ve seen in the history of tracking these cycles.”

According to Jecklin, the lowest dip in the market is a natural consequence of the highest peak. 

“It makes sense that it took awhile for some of that additional capacity to come out of the marketplace and for things to renormalize, with rates finally showing signs of increasing,” Jecklin said.

When the market flips, the Echo team is poised to take advantage of ideal conditions due to their …

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