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7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
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Which Text Marketing Software To Use? [Video]

Sales Funnel Software and Tools

New to the world of text marketing?

You’re in the right place.

In this article, I’ll go over what text marketing is – and why it’s a big deal – as well as give you the rundown on two platforms that will help get you started.

What is Text Marketing?

Text marketing is exactly what it sounds like.

It’s marketing through text messages.

In practice, it’s marketing strategy or campaign that delivers promotions to users mobile devices.  

The types of messages vary by industry and strategy, but can include anything from sale alerts and promotions to product images and website links.

Text marketing is permission-based, meaning users have given their explicit permission to receive text messages from your business. Usually, it’s done with the help of a platform that lets you send messages in mass – and we’ll be covering two of those platforms in-depth momentarily.

First, let’s cover why you’d set up a text marketing in the first place.

What are the Benefits of Text …

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