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Marketers Struggling With Mar-tech Fragmentation: TransUnion Research Beet.TV [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Marketers are struggling to target audiences within today’s fragmented media landscape. How can they put the pieces back together again?

Media companies are looking to understand how they can operate effectively in this fragmented environment, according to Julie Clark, SVP of media and entertainment at TransUnion, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

She described how new research has spotlit the impact of a fragmented media ecosyeym.

Speaking at CES 2025, she observed key trends seen at the show: “There’s a lot of discussion at CES this year around trends and what is happening and what we can anticipate in 2025,” Clark said. “Some of the key things that I’m really hearing are around AI.

“Workflow optimization, I think, is really huge. I think there’s a little bit of skepticism around AI within the creative environment, and there’s still a bit of work that needs to be done there.”

“I think …

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