Digital Marketing for Professionals

From buzzword to bottom line: 3 ways advertisers can get more out of their AI investment [Video]

AI and automation tools are key to mining today’s rich seam of news publishing advertising opportunities. But – newsflash – marketers aren’t getting the most out of them yet, so they’re potentially losing out on big brand wins.

As the winds of change continue to rattle the news publishing industry, its advertising inventory is increasingly being seen as an untapped goldmine. Four in five advertisers, agencies and publishers believe these open internet audiences are a high value target, thanks to their affluence, education levels, and purchasing power. 

And they know that AI-powered tools and automation are key to unearthing, engaging and converting these opportunities at scale. But, even though 2024 is the year of AI implementation, are marketers getting the most out of the tech? Breaking news suggests not.

AI adoption struggling – SME impact

Despite a £25m+AI investment boost in UK and US businesses in 2024, many are struggling to move beyond AI experimentation into effective execution. …

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