Marketing Analytics and Reporting

FV 4: How to run LinkedIn ads profitably in 2024 | JD Garcia [Video]

FV 4: How to run LinkedIn ads profitably in 2024 | JD Garcia

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In this conversation, JD Garcia, Head of Strategy at Impactable, shares insights and strategies for running LinkedIn ads effectively. He discusses common mistakes in LinkedIn ads configuration, the importance of setting realistic expectations, and the key characteristics of companies that benefit the most from LinkedIn ads. JD also highlights the performance of video content on LinkedIn and the use of thought leadership ads. He emphasizes the need for personalized and authentic video content and provides tips for creating scroll-stopping ads. In this conversation, JD Garcia and Will discuss various aspects of LinkedIn ads. They cover topics such as retargeting and filtering traffic, avoiding ad fatigue, targeting inactive audiences, misusing budgets on LinkedIn ads, the importance of thought leadership ads, and rotating ads for a better user experience.

-Set realistic expectations for LinkedIn ads and understand that results may vary depending on factors such as budget, target audience, and product-market fit.
-Focus on technical aspects of LinkedIn ads configuration, such as audience targeting, matched audiences, and correct tracking implementation.
-Consider the key characteristics of companies that benefit from LinkedIn ads, including an active audience on LinkedIn, product-market fit, and the ability to convert leads into revenue.
-Train LinkedIn ads managers to understand the different levers they can pull and to think strategically about campaign execution.
-Utilize video content on LinkedIn, focusing on authenticity and short, engaging formats to capture audience attention. Apply campaign manager filters on top of retargeting audiences to filter and trim down traffic that may not be within your ideal customer profile.
-Ad fatigue can be avoided by using evergreen content in cold ad campaigns and refreshing content in retargeting campaigns when performance starts to diminish.
-If your audience is not active on LinkedIn, consider taking an omnichannel approach and using LinkedIn as part of a larger marketing strategy.
-Companies often misuse their budgets on LinkedIn ads by focusing too much on lead generation and neglecting other aspects of the customer journey.
-Thought leadership ads are important for in-feed consumption and building awareness, even if they may not generate immediate clicks or conversions.
-Rotating ads evenly can provide a better user experience by exposing the audience to different content, but it requires careful monitoring and pausing of underperforming ads.

FounderVideo Podcast Ep. 4: JD Garcia from Impactable (

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Increase the profitability of your LinkedIn Ads – book a free strategy call today.

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00:00 Introduction and Background
02:15 Role and Responsibilities as Head of Strategy
03:51 Common Mistakes in LinkedIn Ads Configuration
07:32 Setting Realistic Expectations for LinkedIn Ads
13:39 Key Characteristics of Companies that Benefit from LinkedIn Ads
14:04 Average Ratio of ROI for LinkedIn Ads
16:19 Using LinkedIn Ads to Accelerate Sales Cycles
22:33 Training LinkedIn Ads Managers
26:17 Performance of Video Content on LinkedIn
34:32 Thought Leadership Ads on LinkedIn
43:10 Retargeting and Filtering Traffic
45:20 Avoiding Ad Fatigue
49:09 Targeting Inactive Audiences
52:01 Misusing Budgets on LinkedIn Ads
55:02 The Importance of Thought Leadership Ads
59:16 Rotating Ads and User Experience

FounderVideo,Founder Video,Will Martin,LinkedIn Ads,impactable,linkedin video ads,b2b linkedin ads,profitable linkedin ads,jd garcia

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