Marketing Analytics and Reporting

Krogers Precision Data Promises To Super-Target Shoppers Beet.TV [Video]

SAN JUAN, PR — What place does a supermarket giant have in the science-led digital ad data future? A big one.

Kroger Precision Marketing (KPM) is a data-driven advertising platform developed by the Kroger Co. Launched through Kroger’s subsidiary 84.51°, KPM leverages customer insights and analytics to enable personalized marketing.

Its programmatic offering, Direct Connect, launched in the fall of 2023, and has already seen hundreds of campaigns go live.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Jill Smith, VP of Sales, Kroger Precision Marketing, explains how advertisers working from platforms like The Trade Desk can now tap into their own inventory rates and control their media buying in more sophisticated ways while making ads more relevant to their desired audience.

In the emerging retail media explosion, we are seeing a growing number of retailers leverage customer data for ad targeting.

Kroger’s rich data asset is rooted in a loyalty program …

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