Digital Marketing for Professionals

When it comes to SEO in 2024, linguisic nuance is key [Video]

Getting as precise as possible a grasp on what people are saying and searching for online is key to connecting with the right audiences, says Georgia Beattie of iCrossing UK.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the ability to understand and resonate with the dynamic language of your audience is more crucial than ever. While conventional keyword strategies have long been the cornerstone of garnering online visibility, there is a need to shift the paradigm towards nuanced linguistic insights derived from active search and social listening.

With 71% of professionals holding licenses for three or fewer social listening tools, and a 6% increase in those spending more than $100k on these services in 2023, it’s evident that marketers are keen to gain more meaningful and refined insights into online discussions, with this having significant value across all aspects of marketing operations.

Why linguistic nuances matter

Linguistic nuances refer to the subtle variations in language …

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