Marketing Platforms and CRM

Who Gets Fired When a Sales Team Doesn’t Use CRM? [Video]

Who Gets Fired When a Sales Team Doesn’t Use CRM?

Who Gets Fired When a Sales Team Doesn’t Use CRM?

B2B Complex Sales today is really, really hard. Reps need every tool and advantage to succeed. CRM is a critically important sales tool.

Consistent and effective use of CRM should be a condition of employment for reps. But why? What does that mean? And if it’s not happening, who should get fired?

Of course a CRM tracks contacts and tasks – and that can be done in Outlook of Gmail. But that’s just the simple part.

Properly implemented CRM does far more. But that means that you can’t leave IT in charge of customer relationship management software! CRM needs to be built around an effective sales process. It needs to help reps be more effective and efficient – from prospecting through closing deals. It should help managers coach effectively and even identify skill gaps for sales training.

Great reps appreciate a good CRM, even building workflows across multiple screens to leverage the powerful tools and capabilities with maximum efficiency.

And everyone needs to use it. Managers can’t expect reps to use it but then ask for separate reports and updates.

If it’s not being used after a reasonable period of setup and training (say 2-3 months), then someone probably needs to be fired. Use is nonconditional, and if it’s not happening, then there are one of two things wrong.

Either management has done a crappy job setting it up. They don’t have a proper sales process. The pipeline doesn’t reflect it. It’s not simplifying day-to-day sales activities, including calls, emails, research, etc. And it’s not guiding projects according to the process to improve close rates and forecast accuracy.

Or, management has done their part and the reps are refusing.

Any rep who refuses to use CRM – whether explicitly or passive-aggressively – needs to be fired.

After all, would you tolerate a controller who refused to use accounting software? It’s part of the job. If you tolerate some of your team simply refusing to do their job, that is contagious and will spread virally to whatever part of the job others find unpleasant.

Using CRM is critical to effective sales. If it’s not properly implemented, then someone in leadership or management should be fired. If it is properly set up, and reps don’t use it. they should be fired.


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