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Android and Ziwe invite everyone to find love, no matter what phone they have Marketing Communication News [Video]

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Android partners with American comedian, writer and actress Ziwe Fumudoh to showcase how the stigma against green bubbles costs iPhone users love, through a series of real people interviews

This Valentine’s Day, Android is launching a film called “Finding Love with Ziwe,” created by DAVID Miami, this time honing in on the taxing emotional cost phone users experience when they text each other using SMS. Through a series of light-hearted interviews with real people, the film aims to highlight the cultural stigma against green bubbles in the U.S. and help iPhone users realize they are missing out on love because Apple supports the outdated technology, SMS.

Though Apple recently announced they plan to replace SMS with a more modern technology, RCS, the stigma around green bubbles could remain.

The interview is led by American journalist, comedian, and writer, Ziwe Fumudoh who applies her famous satirical approach to the issue. As an iPhone user, Ziwe brings …

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