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AI Content Creation for Marketers: MidJourney [Video]

Sales Funnel Software and Tools

AI Content Creation for Marketers: MidJourney #1

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Welcome to our new program on using AI for content creation and marketing. My co-host Madison and I are buzzing with excitement to dive into the world of AI, especially for ClickFunnels members looking to leverage this game-changing technology. Twice a week, we’ll be bringing you long-form training on Mondays and news, Q&A, demos, and ClickFunnels’ AI updates on Fridays.

To kick things off, today I’ll walk you through getting started with Midjourney – a popular AI image generator. After setting up your Discord and Midjourney accounts, I’ll guide you on creating your own private server and generating your first AI images using simple text prompts. You’ll learn how to upscale, vary, and modify these images to suit your needs.

But AI image generation is just the tip of the iceberg! I’ll reveal how you can use Midjourney to create logos, color palettes, and even photo-realistic human characters for websites, videos, and ad creatives. The possibilities are mind-boggling when you combine AI imaging with tools for animating, adding voiceovers, and automating ad creation.

Your assignment this week is to immerse yourself in the Midjourney community – explore the inspiration channels, study prompts that others are using, and start experimenting yourself. Read through the extensive documentation to understand parameters, image references, and advanced prompting techniques. Trust me, the more you play around, the quicker you’ll pick up this incredibly powerful skill.

As you create cool AI images, share them (along with your prompts) in the comments section of this video. We’ll all learn from each other’s experiences. And get ready, because in the coming weeks, Madison and I will dive deeper into specific AI tools, taking your content creation game to unprecedented heights!

The AI revolution is already here, fam! Don’t be that person sitting on the sidelines watching this massive wave pass you by. ClickFunnels is all about marketing and content – so why not harness the full potential of AI to 10x your efforts? Madison and I are stoked to be your guides on this journey. Let’s create some insane stuff together!

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The Implications of AI in Digital Marketing
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