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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) [Video]

Sales Funnel Software and Tools

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Ever feel like you’re pouring money into PPC, but the conversion tap is just dripping? Join Chris from PPC Geeks to talk about a game changer: CRO 🚀

That stands for conversion rate optimization. Think CRO is just about flashy landing pages? Think again. It’s about smoothing the path from a curious clicker to a committed customer. And that path should be a slide, not a hurdle.

Boosting conversion rates means more bang for your buck. Simple. But here’s the snag. CRO often takes a backseat. Why? Well, it’s a mix-up of roles, responsibilities, and frankly, a bit of a blame game.

CRO isn’t a solo act. It’s part of the band. Combine it with the right traffic and you’ve got a symphony of successful campaigns. 🎶 #CRO #PPCGeeks #ConversionOptimization

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