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Is the Future of Martech Composable? How Do We Tackle API Integration Overload? [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Is the Future of Martech Composable? How Do We Tackle API Integration Overload?

In this video you’ll learn why Justin (despite being a Marketo guy) is a big fan of best of breed solutions vs suites, aka composable vs platform. And how the move towards a composable tech stack offers greater flexibility and customization but that the decision to adopt such a strategy should be context-driven, considering the specific needs and capabilities of an organization.

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Justin delves into the concept of composability in marketing technology, addressing the perennial debate between suite-based and best-of-breed tools. He explains how the definition of ‘best of breed’ has evolved over time, shifting from the use of distinct tools from different vendors to a more nuanced approach involving microservices and point solutions.

Justin highlights that the choice between a monolithic suite and a composable stack depends heavily on the context of each organization. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution; the perfect tech stack is contingent on a company’s size, resources, and specific needs. For smaller companies with limited martech resources, a large, composable stack may not be practical, whereas larger organizations with more complex needs might benefit from such an approach.

The rise of APIs, microservices, and workflow automation tools has significantly altered the landscape, making it easier than ever for marketing teams to connect different tools and create a bespoke tech stack. Justin advocates for a centralized management of these connections, suggesting that marketing automation platforms or CRMs don’t necessarily have to be the sole workflow source of truth. Tools like Ricado, which he prefers, can serve as an independent workflow layer, managing the logic for data updates and system interactions.

This approach allows for flexibility and customization in marketing strategies. Systems of execution like email sending or calendar booking can operate more efficiently when they are part of a well-orchestrated workflow. With proper error handling and troubleshooting, such a setup can be managed effectively without overwhelming the marketing team.

Justin’s perspective on API integration and workflow management reflects a deep understanding of the complexities of modern marketing technology. He emphasizes the importance of skillfully managing trade-offs to achieve objectives, keeping an eye on both present needs and future possibilities. His insights offer valuable guidance for marketing professionals navigating the ever-evolving martech landscape.

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