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Putting the power of digital placemaking into the hands of place marketers [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Digital technologies play key roles in the ways that most people in the UK connect to the world around them, whether planning a holiday, travelling to the high street or resting in a park.

For placemakers and place marketing professionals, whose job it is to develop marketing strategies for, and attract visitors (and investors) to a particular location, digital tech has become an increasingly important part of their marketing toolkit.

Place professionals are passionate about fostering vibrant destinations and welcoming public spaces, and digital technologies are supporting them to do this in a variety of new and innovative ways.

Wanting to support and empower professionals in this space, to increase engagement with their locations and boost local economies, last year we launched a unique digital placemaking platform to put the power of digital placemaking directly into the hands of place marketers.

The Place Experience Platform(PEP) is already being used in 10 cities across …

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