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The Practicality of Hands-On Martech Experience – Josh Hill (Creator of MarketingRockstar Guides) [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

The Practicality of Hands-On Martech Experience – Josh Hill (Creator of MarketingRockstar Guides)

Josh’s insights into the martech world emphasize the invaluable role of hands-on experience in mastering marketing technology. His journey, particularly during his early days at The Economist, showcases the significance of directly engaging with tools and processes to understand and improve them. This hands-on approach, he believes, is crucial for anyone looking to excel in the martech field.

Initially, Josh tackled attribution by manually analyzing data within a limited scope, using tools like Salesforce campaigns. This process, though time-consuming, was instrumental in understanding the effectiveness of various marketing tactics, such as content types and event charges. This hands-on experience allowed him to develop a deep understanding of low-level attribution, leading to more effective marketing strategies and cost reductions.

However, Josh advises against relying solely on manual processes. Instead, he encourages a ‘play to learn’ approach, advocating for exploration and experimentation with martech tools. This involves questioning every step of a process, from sending an email to capturing data for a white paper. By understanding the components and mechanics of these tasks, martech professionals can more effectively leverage technology to achieve their goals.

Josh’s strategy extends beyond just learning how to use tools; it’s about understanding their potential to transform workflows and processes. He emphasizes the importance of thinking beyond the immediate function of a tool and considering how it can be used creatively to solve problems. This approach has been a guiding principle in his trainings, encouraging learners to not just memorize documentation but to think critically about how to apply these tools in various scenarios.

The shift from manual to automated processes in martech, as Josh experienced, is not just a technological upgrade but a fundamental change in how marketing operations are approached and executed. This evolution requires a balance of hands-on experimentation, critical thinking, and an understanding of the broader business context.

Full episode – 105: Josh Hill: Mastering Martech with a Hands-On, Exploratory Approach and Rigorous Data Hygiene:

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