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Get To Know Google Analytics 4: Webinar By Web2Market [Video]

Marketing Analytics and Reporting

Get To Know Google Analytics 4: Webinar By Web2Market


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers several features and changes compared to its predecessor, Universal Analytics, which can significantly impact how marketers and ecommerce managers approach analytics and data-driven decision-making. This webinar will cover the following key changes:

1) Event-Driven Model:
GA4 operates on an event-driven model, emphasizing the importance of user interactions and events on a website or app. Marketers need to focus on setting up relevant events, such as clicks, page views, and conversions, to gather comprehensive data.

2) Enhanced User-Centric Reporting:
GA4 provides a more user-centric approach to reporting, allowing marketers to understand user journeys across different sessions and devices. This helps in gaining a holistic view of customer interactions, which is crucial for targeted marketing strategies.

3) Cross-Platform Tracking:
In today’s multi-platform landscape, GA4 enables seamless cross-platform tracking. Marketers can gain insights into user behavior across websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms, facilitating a more integrated marketing approach.

4) Machine Learning and Predictive Metrics:
GA4 integrates machine learning to offer predictive metrics, helping marketers anticipate user behavior, potential revenue, and churn probabilities. This enables more proactive and data-driven decision-making in marketing campaigns.

5) Audience Building and Segmentation:
Marketers can leverage GA4’s audience-building features to create segments based on user behavior. This facilitates personalized marketing campaigns, allowing for targeted and relevant communication with specific user groups.

6) Custom Dimensions and Metrics:
GA4 allows marketers to define custom dimensions and metrics, providing flexibility in tracking and analyzing specific data points relevant to their marketing goals. This customization enhances the granularity of analytics data.

7) Conversion Modeling:
GA4 introduces conversion modeling, helping marketers understand the different touchpoints that contribute to conversions. This information is valuable for optimizing marketing channels and attributing conversions to specific marketing efforts.

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